Thursday 29 January 2015

my music video narrative

my music video is a non-linear narrative so it doesn't follow a theory. the video is more of a montage /dream.the video is a story of friendship and the joy and happiness that the friendship brings. with lots of the 3 of us on a beach throwing stones.

our music video consists of four scenes showing the jouney of three friends, starting from being out and about and then the realisation at the end when we realise that everything that has happened will be in the future and it is just a daydream.

in the first scene of our music video, ben,micheal, and myself are at hampden park recreation ground, messing around and playing games.this symbolises the start of our friendship.the music we have chosen to do a video for is called i can tell were going to be friends by the white stripes.

in the second scene we are on a beach in eastbourne playing skipping stones on the sea, eating ice-cream and chips. for the transitions from the different scenes we will speed up us walking to the different locations and film out of the car window.

in the third scene we are at a field in Robertsbridge playing football and other social team games, at the end of the day when the sun  is setting, we all sit in a line drinking beers and as the sun sets we will clink our beers. this symbolises the end of the day and era and the dawning of a new one and solidifies our friendship.

in the forth and last scene it is a flashback to us being the the media classroom where we all first met and became friends and where the story all started.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Audience theory: media effects

Audience Theory: Media Effects

1.       In class you have been learning about the Uses and Gratifications Model. According to this theory, audience engage with media texts for the following for reasons:

o   Social                                                                                                                                    
o   Personal identity
o   Information
o   Entertainment

2.       What are the limitations of this theory?
This theory limits the fact that everyone is different and nobody is the same.
There is other reasons to watch television other than the 4 key areas of the theory, it could be considered to be too simplistic.
It stops the need of actually interacting with people.
People have different views on genres of media, some people may not find something as entertaining as somebody else with a different background would.
There is new technology for other devices such as, mobile phones and consoles.
It ignores the demographics of some social and cultural groups.

3.       Does it encompass all of your viewing needs? What other needs might audiences have that are not identified?

Some audiences may get obsessed or addicted to some genres and types of shows, there could also be a pressure to watch some shows because it seems to be what everyone else is doing.