Your task is to listen to 15 minutes of 2 radio stations
and analyse the sound techniques used. You may choose from:
Your chosen stations:
(Hip-hop show) on BBC 1Xtra
The Rock Show with Daniel P Carter on BBC Radio 1
1. What
time is each show broadcast?
Bbc radio 1xtra: friday 22:00
The Rock Show with Daniel P
Carter on BBC Radio 1: Sunday 19:00
2. Describe
and compare each ident for the
programmes. What instruments are used? How are vocals used? What feeling is
conveyed to the audience?
Bbc radio 1xtra: energetic music suits the style of the
show very well, the ident is recognisable. There is no instruments used, only
electronic sounds.
The Rock Show with Daniel P Carter on BBC Radio 1: Lots of screaming and shouting, it is quite
intimidating the instruments used are traditional rock instruments such as
electric guitar, drums and bass guitars.
3. Who
are the hosts of the radio show? How do they address the listeners (chatty,
friendly, serious)?
Radio 1xtra: Semtex , he
addresses the listeners by being quite aggressive, he doesn’t talk to the
listeners very much just to artists on the show.
The Rock Show with Daniel P
Carter on BBC Radio 1: Daniel P Carter is the host
4. How
do the hosts try to engage the audience (encouraging Twitter use, requests)?
Radio 1xtra: There is not much engagement with the
audience there is only really interviews with rappers and music being played.
5. Do
you feel that there is an aim of each radio show (e.g. Getting people in the
mood for a club)?
Radio 1xtra: the time of the broadcast is at 10pm so this
means that the aim of the radio show is to get people in the mood for going out
to party.
6. How
is this achieved?
Radio 1xtra: this is achieved by being aired late at
night, playing fast party music, and by the way that he speaks is getting
people up and off their feet.
7. Assess
how the music is broadcast. Are songs introduced? Do the hosts speak over the
music? Are tracks mixed together? How does the music compare to the genre of
the show?
Radio 1xtra: the tracks are mixed together by the DJ they
are not really introduced before they are played .
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